How to Make Your Bed at Work

You’ve probably heard axioms along the lines of “success starts with making your bed.” You may have even seen the popular 2014 University of Texas at Austin Commencement address by Naval Admiral William H. McRaven, which has inspired thousands of people to make their beds each morning when they first wake up. But whether or not youContinue reading “How to Make Your Bed at Work”

What Are the 5S Pillars?

A recent Building Bridges Leadership article on the concept of Kaizen touched on the five phases of 5S methodology, a system to reduce waste and optimize productivity through maintaining an orderly workplace. Implementation of this method “cleans up” and organizes the workplace basically in its existing configuration, and uses visual cues to achieve more consistentContinue reading “What Are the 5S Pillars?”

How a Digital Detox Could Benefit You

Every Sunday morning, my phone vibrates and pops up a notification to show me how much “screen time” I’ve spent on my phone over the past week. Every week I think with some dismay, “that can’t be right.” But then when I think about how much time I’ve also spent in front of a laptopContinue reading “How a Digital Detox Could Benefit You”

Kaizen and the Art of Talk Show Maintenance

Are you familiar with the term “kaizen”? We’ve mentioned it on this blog a few times over the years and it comes up in my work with clients on an almost daily basis. It’s a Japanese word (in which it is written “改善”), with a literal translation of “good change,” or “change for better,” butContinue reading “Kaizen and the Art of Talk Show Maintenance”

Mapping the Rhythms of Your Year

It’s only the end of August, but in In New England, where I live, the seasons are already beginning to change. The hot Summer weather has started to give way to cooler temperatures. T-shirts are increasingly covered with jackets, or even sweaters. And schools and universities are back in session. The beginning of the academicContinue reading “Mapping the Rhythms of Your Year”

Forest Bathing And Unconscious Bias

During the height of the pandemic, Building Bridges Leadership offered webinars on “Zoom Fatigue,” since so many of us were spending more time in front of screens and on video conference calls than was healthy for us. Three years later, many of us are still spending an inordinate amount of time in front of screensContinue reading “Forest Bathing And Unconscious Bias”

Losing Hours? Not Sure Where They’re Going?

If you’re in North America, your clocks went forward on Sunday morning. But for many of us, that’s not the only time each year where we experience the feeling of losing time. Where do our hours go? If we don’t take time to think back and unpack our day, our brains can end up swimming in unansweredContinue reading “Losing Hours? Not Sure Where They’re Going?”