Losing Hours? Not Sure Where They’re Going?

If you’re in North America, your clocks went forward on Sunday morning. But for many of us, that’s not the only time each year where we experience the feeling of losing time. Where do our hours go? If we don’t take time to think back and unpack our day, our brains can end up swimming in unanswered questions about what was left undone, which can prevent us from being present to the people and situations around us. Of course, this also affects our sleep, leading to ongoing issues.

This week’s tip:

Review your day. At the end of your work day, go back through your work calendar and reconcile it to accurately represent your day. In the evening, take some time to be still and think through your day as a whole, from beginning to end. If there are things you have questions about or that are left unresolved, write them down so your head is clear for you to be present and get good sleep.

Try this out this week, and let us know how it goes! We’d love to hear from you.

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Published by Ian Jackson

Ian Jackson is the founder of Building Bridges Leadership, which works with individuals, teams, and organizations to create authentic community in the workplace. He also writes children's fiction and teaches creative writing.

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